Office of Nation Mission, LCMS
Office of National Mission, LCMS
The LCMS Office of National Mission works within the borders of the United States to support the programs and resources available to congregations, districts, schools, Recognized Service Organizations and other Lutheran organizations.
Lutheran Social Services of Southern California
Lutheran Social Services of Southern California
Lutheran Social Services serves people in need throughout Southern California with programs and services in multiple locations in the counties of Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego. We are planning future services in the counties of Imperial, Kern, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. In all our programs, we seek to improve the lives of those in need.
Crean Lutheran High School
Our Mission: Proclaiming Jesus Christ through Excellence in Education
Crean Lutheran High School, anchored to and guided by its Mission, intentionally and faithfully pursues its Vision goals by…
- Providing students the highest quality Christ-centered education in an environment which nurtures faith and thankfully celebrates God’s redemptive love and grace.
- Equipping students to intentionally enter into God’s redemptive mission by learning to articulate and pass on the Gospel as well as to demonstrate His love for all people.
- …
Orange Lutheran High School
The Difference You’ve Been Looking For
On the field, in the pool, or on the court, Orange Lutheran’s athletics program is driven by excellence through competition in the nationally recognized Trinity League. Focused on faith and character development, Lancer Athletics seeks to pursue victory while bringing honor and glory to God.
Concordia University, Irvine
Prepare for All of Your Life’s Callings
Experience Christian education that’s uniquely designed to develop the whole person – personally, professionally, and spiritually – at Concordia University Irvine.
Mark Winterstein in Germany
Mark Winterstein — Refugee Outreach Missionary
Mark Winterstein serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Germany, based in Leipzig. In this role, he assists congregations of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK), the Synod’s partner church in Germany, with their outreach to refugees and immigrants from the Middle East. This ministry includes language instruction and other outreach activities that help build relationships with the refugees.
The Conrad family in Mexico
Rev. Daniel and Kathy Conrad, Serving the Lord in Mexico
Rev. Daniel and Kathy Conrad serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Mexico, based in Mexico City. In this role, Daniel serves as the coordinator of theological education for the entire country. He works with and mentors national pastors and pastors in formation who are serving throughout Mexico. With the challenges of Mexico City’s population being 25 million people and the shortage of national pastors in this country, Daniel provides assistance in sending out workers to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Erin Mackenzie in Latin America and the Caribbean
Erin Mackenzie, Serving the Lord in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region
Erin Mackenzie serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a missionary in the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic. As the regional volunteer coordinator, she connects LCMS members with the day-to-day activities of foreign missionaries and local leaders, with the goal of educating and inspiring them to become advocates, long-term supporters and servants in their own churches and communities. When volunteers serve on-field anywhere from one week to six months — always at the invitation of missionaries and partner church leaders — Erin is involved in every step of the process. Through this work, she seeks collaboration where possible and desires to equip all LCMS volunteers for effective service.
Rev. Dr. John Bombaro in the Czech Republic
Rev. Dr. John and Melinda Bombaro
Serving the Lord in the Czech Republic • Theological Educator
The Rev. Dr. John and Melinda Bombaro serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as missionaries to Eurasia, based in Prague, Czech Republic, where John serves as the Eurasia director of theological education. In this role, he heads up the Eurasia Regional Seminary collaboration with the Luther Academy in Riga, Latvia — the seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, a partner church of the LCMS. He also organizes theological seminars in various locations throughout the region.
Rev. Mark Jasa, Evangelist
Rev. Mark Jasa, Evangelist for Declare and Defend in Southern California
Please contact us if you would like us to arrange for Rev. Jasa to come to your local LCMS parish!